🧑🌾Farms Pool
Earn Zetos Tokens by Staking LP
Last updated
Earn Zetos Tokens by Staking LP
Last updated
The Initial Farming pool is (40% ) from the supply which is 40,000 ZES for 6 LP pool.
A total of 6 mining pools Liquidity providers allocate a total of 40,000 (ZES) tokens, and this part of the team retains 25% to prepare for the subsequent mining pool Token.
1) The pool of ZEC-LP Pool - 25% decay every month
A total of 40,000*45%= 18,000 ZES will be placed, and it will be dug out in one year.
3 pools, 25% attenuation every subsequent month.
ZEC-USDT: 6000 ZES tokens output
ZEC-BNB: 6000 ZES tokens output
ZEC-BUSD: 6000 ZES tokens output
2) The pool of ZES-LP Pool - 25% decay every month
A total of 40,000*55%= 22,000 ZES will be placed which will be dug in one year.
3 pools, Released linearly, with a 25% decay every subsequent month.
ZES-USDT: 7333.33 ZES tokens output
ZES-BNB: 7333.33 ZES tokens output
ZES-BUSD: 7333.33 ZES tokens output
Pledge LP
Mining Time
Mining quantity (ZES)
One year
6000 Token
One year
6000 Token
One year
6000 Token
Pledge LP
Mining Time
Mining quantity (ZES)
One year
7333.33 Token
One year
7333.33 Token
One year
7333.33 Token