🧑🌾Farms Pool
Earn Zetos Tokens by Staking LP
The Initial Farming pool is (40% ) from the supply which is 40,000 ZES for 6 LP pool.
A total of 6 mining pools Liquidity providers allocate a total of 40,000 (ZES) tokens, and this part of the team retains 25% to prepare for the subsequent mining pool Token.
1) The pool of ZEC-LP Pool - 25% decay every month
A total of 40,000*45%= 18,000 ZES will be placed, and it will be dug out in one year.
3 pools, 25% attenuation every subsequent month.
ZEC-USDT: 6000 ZES tokens output
ZEC-BNB: 6000 ZES tokens output
ZEC-BUSD: 6000 ZES tokens output
Pledge LP | Mining Time | Mining quantity (ZES) |
ZEC-USDT | One year | 6000 Token |
ZEC-BNB | One year | 6000 Token |
ZEC-BUSD | One year | 6000 Token |
2) The pool of ZES-LP Pool - 25% decay every month
A total of 40,000*55%= 22,000 ZES will be placed which will be dug in one year.
3 pools, Released linearly, with a 25% decay every subsequent month.
ZES-USDT: 7333.33 ZES tokens output
ZES-BNB: 7333.33 ZES tokens output
ZES-BUSD: 7333.33 ZES tokens output
Pledge LP | Mining Time | Mining quantity (ZES) |
ZES-USDT | One year | 7333.33 Token |
ZES-BNB | One year | 7333.33 Token |
ZES-BUSD | One year | 7333.33 Token |
Last updated